Space is always precious when it comes to making your home functional yet welcoming. You might be making some storage mistakes at your rental near Willingboro that is compromising your space. Keeping your stuff organized is key to a happy home. Here are some things to avoid when deciding where to put all your items.
Only looking down. If you’re just using your floor to store things, you’re missing out. Using your wall space for vertical storage can free up floor space and provide additional space. Spots above dressers or counters can make great spots to install shelves for additional storage.
Not looking on top. Spaces on top of your fridge or cabinets can make ideal storage for things you don’t use as much but still want easy access to. Ever thought about how to use space above a door? Pop a shelf up there and store away!
Only using open storage. Your rental near Willingboro can look incredibly cluttered if you’re only using open storage. Sure, open storage is an excellent way to take advantage of strange spaces that can be transformed into areas to store stuff but having everything out there can be overwhelming. Be sure to mix in closed storage in the form of cabinets or armoires, too.
Not planning for the future. Just thinking about “right now” storage needs is a mistake. You have to expect that your storage requirements will expand as time progresses. When you move into a rental near Willingboro, think about how your space can grow with you and make a plan for storage.
Asking the wrong questions. Instead of asking, “where can I put this?” you should be asking, “do I need this?” When you evaluate whether figuring out how to store things or if you should just get rid of them, you can free up storage for stuff you actually want and use.
Your rental near Willingboro has lots of storage, you just have to figure out where to look! Don’t make storage mistakes that will eat up your space.