You finally did it.

You scoured BestRent’s NJ apartment listings. You made the calls and visits. You compared prices, calculated commuting times, and envisioned yourself waking up in that bedroom on a cold winter morning.

You signed the lease on a great apartment in North Brunswick, NJ. It’s slick, comfortable, and will be great for your social life. As you prepare to move, here are some tips to make the transition easier.

Measure the rooms. Because it would be a shame to find your super-sized sofa doesn’t fit through the door.

Change your address. It takes just a moment on the USPS website. Changing billing profiles on websites may take longer, but it will save you headaches later.

Arrange for the essentials. Get the utilities in your name, and arrange for Wi-Fi, which will be particularly important should you need to work from home during your move.

Bring cleaning products. Your apartment should be spotless, but you may want to wipe down the kitchen and bathroom one more time.

Take care of friends. As Seinfeld fans know, helping someone move is one of the biggest favors out there. So at the very least, offer your friends water, pizza, and beer!

Thanks for visiting the BestRent blog for moving tips and insider knowledge that will make your North Brunswick apartment a place to put down roots.