Space. The final frontier.

No, not Star Trek. We’re talking about your Carteret rental. Which you love, of course; the rent is great, work is close by, and your dog has a friend upstairs. But like most apartments, there’s just not enough space for your stuff.

Get creative with a shoe organizer. Never seen one? A shoe organizer has lots of pockets and hangs on the back of a door. It’s not limited to shoes, though. Use it for your hairdryer, makeup, toiletries, and other essentials.

Stack your beverages. Beer drinkers, take note; stack your bottles on their sides and keep them in place with a binder clip attached to the fridge’s wire shelf. You get more space, and your bottles will never spill again. Cool!

Blow up your closets. No, not like that. Hang S-hooks from the rails and drape utility chains from them. A hanger will fit in every other link, giving you up to six times the closet space!

Watch this space, because BestRent as plenty of tips on making your Carteret rental feel spacious and look beautiful. BestRentNJ is the only source you need for questions about NJ apartments for rent!