No matter where you live, whether it’s at one of the many rentals in North Jersey, or an expansive estate in the country, it seems that space is always at a premium. Thankfully, there are some creative ways you can maximize space nearly anywhere, especially in the bedroom where lots of your stuff lives. Whether you have lots of space or minimal, maximizing what you do have is key in functionality and design. Here are some easy ways to make the most of what you’re working with, whatever that may be.

Shelves and Racks

Shelves and racks can drastically maximize space at rentals in North Jersey. Instead of relying on structures that take up floor space to store your things, look into creative shelving to host your items. Floating shelves can be a sleek, modern option that provide a great space to display your most precious treasures or simply serve a utilitarian purpose. There are also lots of decorative shelving options that can match your specific design style. Another option to chicly organize your stuff is by using racks. If you’re limited on closet space or you have specifically fabulous pieces you’d like to display, using clothing racks can serve double duty.

Foot Space

A lot of people forget that there’s usable storage space at the foot of the bed. Even if you have just a little bit of room, you can find a storage container to match it. One of the best ways to use this space is for both seating space and storage space. Find a storage bench that matches the décor in your room for both function and fashion.

Affixed Lighting

Another way to save precious space is to get your lighting off the floor. Often, bedrooms are best served by lighting from lamps instead of harsh overhead options. As a result, precious floor space is spent housing floor lamps or night stands to hold table lamps. Instead, affix side lamps to the wall next to your bed. There are lots of stylish options that don’t even need to be hardwired into rentals in North Jersey. These options can be mounted to the wall and plug in to an available outlet thereby saving space and requiring minimal skills.

Don’t waste space at rentals in North Jersey. With just a few changes, you can make the most of what you got!