If you’re living in an affordable apartment in North Jersey, every penny could count. Luckily, there are some simple things you can do right at home to save money. Utility costs account for a significant portion of your budget but taking easy steps to reduce energy consumption can not only save you some dough but make a positive impact on the environment as well. Here are some quick tips you can use to save money right at home.

Air Conditioning

With the heat we’ve experienced this year, it’s likely your energy bill is a little higher than normal. While the warmest season is behind us, there are some things you can keep in mind for next year when the mercury starts to rise.

  • Close the blinds and curtains as it will keep the temperature inside cooler.
  • Turn off lights to reduce temperature.
  • Use ceiling fans or portable fans to keep air moving.
  • Save heat-generating activities (like baking) for the evening when it’s cooler.
  • Keep your thermostat a few degrees warmer than normal or put it on a schedule to save energy when you’re not home.
  • Switch to CFL bulbs because they produce less heat.


You’d be surprised at how much electricity is wasted at home. While making small changes won’t reduce your bill by lots each month, over the course of your time at an affordable apartment in North Jersey, it could make a difference. And, as a bonus, it’ll help the environment, too! Here are some things to keep in mind all year-round.

  • Turn off lights in rooms you aren’t using.
  • Unplug appliances when not in use – this includes phone chargers!
  • Use cold water for laundry.
  • Don’t run dishwashers or washers unless they’re full.


Saving money on your water bill can be easy. There may be some things you’re doing that you didn’t even realize were wrong! Here are ways to reduce the amount you pay for your water by using less of it.

  • Turn water off while brushing teeth.
  • Fix leaky faucets and toilets.
  • Replace showerheads with low flow models.
  • Stop pre-rinsing dishes! Apparently dishwashing detergent is formulated to attach to food particles to clean better, so pre-rinsing defeats the purpose!

Saving money doesn’t have to be a hassle at any affordable apartment in North Jersey. A few quick changes can make a big difference!