Since 1998, Monroe has enjoyed a thriving arts and cultural scene thanks to the Monroe Township Arts and Culture Commission. Established to benefit Monroe residents through programming, projects and events in the township, the commission has worked to bring new and interesting culture to Monroe while cultivating programs already in place.
This month, the commission presented “Celebrating 50 Years of the Peace Corps,” a photography exhibit displaying shots captured by a Monroe resident while serving the peace corps in Mali. Past events have included the township’s annual “Music in the Park” concert series, held each July, plus dazzling musical tributes and edifying lectures on subject ranging from the stage design of Maurice Sendak to Japanese lacquer, woodblock prints and inro/netsuke.
Monroe residents can forward to upcoming events–this winter, the Monroe Township Cultural Arts Commission will proudly present “Tamburitzans,” a folklore troupe performing music and dance of Eastern Europe. “Tamburitzans” will take the stage February 4th at 7pm at the Richard P. Marasco Center for the Performing Arts. For more information on this and other events scheduled for the upcoming season, visit the Monroe Township Cultural Arts Commission online or call 732-521-4400 ext. 134.