Your Carteret apartment is yours. Maybe you can’t paint walls or install a Jacuzzi, but still, you’re free to decorate as you please. Live large. Express yourself.

Within reason. Neighbors and colleagues come over. Sad as it is to say, they may question your love of glitter and hot pink.

Never fear—you can always get artistic in the kids’ room! Read on for HGTV’s tips on creating a memorable space for your little ones.

Get on Etsy. Don’t know Etsy? It’s the web’s home for all that’s crafty, unique, and affordable. Check it out for toys, decorations, furniture, and much more

Get colorful
. You can’t paint the walls in your Carteret apartment, but you sure can paint the furniture. Why have some multicolored fun with the crib or bed?

Get Decals. Wall decals add instant flair to a room—and they don’t hurt the wall.

Get Whimsical. Why not use a quilt hoop, fishing wire, fabric, and patterns to make your child a unique mobile?

Click through above for more kids’ room decorating tips, and stay tuned to BestRentNJ for information on how to make your Carteret apartment stylish and comfortable.

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