As a gangly 15 year old at a now defunct sleep-away camp in Rhineback NY, I took to archery like a fish to water. More than nearly any other sport (except for my passion, basketball) archery became my go-to activity. Within 3 weeks after shooting my first arrow, I became the camps top archer in my age category.
I look back and think about why I accelerated as I did at a sport I had no training in other than a camp counselors guidance. It would not be until I was 28 years old that I’d have a chance to revisit an archery range in Watchung (remember Bowcraft on Route 22?) with my wife. Her feeling was that my being steady-of-hand and goal oriented contributed to my skill in a sport in which I had minimal training. Certainly food for thought over the years from someone who knows me best!
For South Brunswick tenants residing at Boulders at Beekman interested in hitting their targets on the range and in life, The WA-XO-BE Archers Club offers beginners and professionals alike a year round environment in which to hone their aim. To learn more about the “largest archery club in New Jersey” click here and you’ll be taken to the WA-XO-BE webpage.
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