Work, school, kids, fun. Work, school, kids, fun. When do you have time to clean your West Windsor rental?
Don’t worry—it’s easier than you think. These five tasks only take minutes, and doing them every day (or even most days!) will keep your West Windsor rental clean.
Clear the sink. This is a no-brainer; taking a minute to wash that dish means it’s less tempting to leave another in there. And another. And another . . .
Sort the mail. Keep the good stuff, toss the junk. Because the junk piles up!
Wipe the counters. This might take two minutes. What’s your excuse?
Sweep the kitchen floor. Get rid of those crumbs and coffee grounds!
Organize shoes. Keep ‘em out of the way in a closet or by the front door.
And there you have it – a clean, orderly West Windsor rental, ready for any guest.
Not bad, eh?
Stay tuned to BestRentNJ for NJ apartment listings and more tips for your West Windsor rental!